Author: Dad Shift

How To Sell on eBay

Do you have items you have been urging to get rid of? Why not make money off of those items? The other day, my dad asked me to help him get rid of some things, so I told him to post them on eBay not knowing that was a foreign...

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Installing the Nest Smart Thermostat

As my parents get older, I’m increasingly trying to talk them into turning their house into a SmartHome. Just the ease and convenience it offers them justifies the training time and overall expense. Since I’m a brand whore great...

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About the Dad Shift

The Shift can mean many things. It could mean adulting, parenting, advice, or simply learning those basic skills that aren’t taught in a typical school setting. The shift really comes down to all of us accepting that in some ways, we’re turning into our parents. We’re here to help make that SHIFT easier.

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